Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Today is Wednesday, March 19, 2014. It has been a year and half since my last blog. NEW START!!

Today we are in Orlando on vacation, but a lot has happened in the last year and a half. I was in a car accident with my daughter; I had a hysterectomy; I have gained 25 lbs; I lost my sweet Leo kitty; I gained two new kitties (Sully and Gus Gus); My baby girl moved to Jax, FL (and took Sully and Gus Gus with her); I went completely blonde and love it; I got a season pass to Disney; and I have aged!!

Time for a new passion.. I am starting my own antiques Booth at Two Women and a Warehouse's new 65,000 Sq Ft place on Southside of Savannah. My Booth will be A-2, just next to the Cashier! 10x12! And will be called.....

Aunt Suga's South

I am so very excited. All I have done for past month when not sleeping or working is SHOP and prepare for my booth! My name came from this blog (what my Great niece and nephew call me.. Aunt Suga) and South comes from this fabulous lil book I found called MY SOUTH! I was inspired..
so now we have AUNT SUGA'S SOUTH!

I am learning to sand, prime and paint with a few repairs thrown in thanks to Sweetheart! XOXO

I have found some cool stuff for my booth including, China Cabinets, Buffets, side tables, lamps, pictures, paintings, Fiesta, Harlequin, McCoy, Old STUFF! Even a vintage Screen Door!!

I will take photos and add. I will also include before after photos!

So this week Lola and I have been at Walt Disney World on a little vacay as it is Lola's Spring Break.  One more thing that has happened in past 18 months.. Lola became a High School Chemistry Teacher at Mandarin High School!! My smart girl.. so proud of her..

We are headed back to Jax this afternoon from Orlando (2.5 hr ride) and Mom and Carol are meeting us there! Cannot wait to see my mommy and sweet sister! We are going to Clark's Fish Camp and tomorrow to Amelia Island! One great Junkin town!! More tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. You've been through a lot, Aunt Suga. I can't believe you were involved in a car accident, underwent hysterectomy and lost a kitty. I think I would've decided to go on a trip to Disneyland for a break as well, if those series of unfortunate events to me. I'll maybe even take it up a notch and go on a month's vacation, if I could. Well, it looks like you really enjoyed your trip. I hope you're feeling better now. Take care! :)

    Steven Keltsch @ Allied Insurance Managers
